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10 Rules of Approaching

The rules are simple. Here are the 10 most crucial.

1. Approach immediately

2. Sit asap. (Lock in. You always want to be more comfortable than them)

3. Pay attention to what they are talking about.

4. Rift off their threads(Remember the rules of thread cutting: Acknowledge-Relate-Thread cut)

5. Have a deeper meaning to your stories. (Men talk about boring facts. Women talk about emotions they felt)

6. Be a touchy feely guy (Kino)

7. Don’t become the questionnaire (Use Storytelling)

8. Calibrate IOI for IOI’s. IOD for IOD’s

9. Always get their contact info. Close

    (Perferably in the middle of the interaction. This makes it look like you are not just there for the number.

10. Kiss hello and goodbye!

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