Be More Alpha

AMOG Destroyers
AMOG: Hey girls whats up (or whatever)
PUA: Hey dude dude (putting hands up like you give up).
I will pay you a HUNDRED dollars right now, to take these girls away from me.
(Girls will go "no no no... we love you PUA.. noooooo"
and giggle and crawl on you.. Again, immediately deflating to the guy)
AMOG: Hey girls what's up (or whatever)
PUA: Dude, OMG that shirt is AWESOME.. I had one just like it in highschool,
it fucking rocks man.. Having a good time in London man.. It's awesome huh?
Dude you're like the coolest guy I met all night.. (patting him on the shoulder)
AMOG: (showing signs that he wants to fight)
PUA: hahah, dude, are you like trying to pick a fight with me? hahahha..
ok ok hold up hold up.. wait a sec, we'll do even better.. first...
we'll have an armwrestling competition.. then second..
we'll do one armed pushups.. and last..... POSE-DOWN!!
AMOG: Hey man.. keep talking.. no no, let's hear your pitch man..
pick these girls up man, you're doing awesome.
PUA: Hey, you know I've gotta try to impress you COOL
(x-city, x-dressed, x-whateverquality) guys.. You guys fucking ROCK.(cut him
down on whatever limited amount of knowledge you have of him, even if its not
relevant whatsoever, he'll feel uncomfortable and his bodylanguage will show it)
AMOG: (starts touching you to show dominance)
PUA: hahhaha, DUUUUDE, I'm not into guys man... dude, there's club-gay-whatever
over there man.. hands off the merchandise buddy (girls laugh at him,
then he starts qualifying himself to you that he's not gay)
AMOG: (gets in your face)
PUA: dude, you're an alphamale..
AMOG: what's that..
PUA: you know, like the leader of the pack.. you call the shots..
you can put your hands on guys you don't know, cause you're alpha..
(fucks up his whole 'look cool' game, because you've characterized
all his manneurisms, so anything he does to look alpha makes him appear
to be qualifying himself too you.. if he continues, just say "see... alphamale..
whoa tiger, I can't mess")
AMOG: (gets in your face)
PUA: (don't answer.. just SIT there quiet.. the more he says stuff to you,
the more he's TRYING.. talking too long without an answer is QUALIFYING yourself..
so if he keeps trying to out-alpha you, and you don't answer, eventually he
looks beta because he tried too hard to get your attention.. another trick is to
make "let's get out of here" girlcode with your eyes to the girls
(mimmick what they do to eachother when you do a bad set), and
they'll leave with you
AMOG: fight blah blah..
PUA: guy man, these chicks just told me that they dig you like so bad..
you don't have to fight to prove yourself to them..
they think you're an alphamale dude.. you don't need to try so HARD man..
just BE REAL..
Me: "Yeah, most girls will settle for less."
or "...And another one's down...another one bites the dust."
or "He's pussy whipped isn't he, come on you can tell me..."
Cute Couple Opener (ijjjji)
When I see a guy and a girl talking, I often walk over and say "You are such a
cute couple!" to make the girl deny they are together and follow up with "But
you are so cute together, he is the perfect guy for you, look he is even well
dressed/good looking/fit/tanned" and keep at it until she starts moving away
from the poor guy in denial
“I fucked her.” You’ve got to do this on 9s and 10s. They’ll be like, “aaaahhh”. It’s really good. But do it on a 7 - (and she’ll be freaked)
PUA: But you hadn’t fucked her yet.
“Dude, dude. I will pay you $200 to take these girls off my hands right now.” The girls always say, “What? Ahhh.” The guy says, “What? $200? Pay me, pay me.”
“That shirt is fucking awesome, dude. Is that LaCoste? You know, I used to wear LaCoste in fucking high school. I had all those shirts.”
“Hey guys. Where’s your girlfriend? Where’s your girlfriend?” If they say, “she’s at home,” he says, “Girls, this guy leaves his girlfriend at home and comes out to hit on you. What’s up with that? If they say, “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he says, “How lame is that. This guy doesn’t have a girlfriend? Dude, there are some cute girls over there. Why don’t you go talk to them.” Or - “You’ll find someone.”
“Hey dude. I’m not into guys. The gay club is over there.” I’m with girls.
“Girls, do you know this guy? Is this your friend? He’s like freaking me out. He’s like touching you? What shit is that? Is he trying to seduce you?”
“That’s really cool. You’re the alpha male. You know, alpha males You’re like the leader of the pack. You call the shots. Like you’re the boss, man. Fuckin’ cool. You’re a really cool guy.” It’s like baiting the guy so much. Once they get made like that they try to gain rapport with you and ask you a question or say something. The second they do that lock them out of the set. Just completely ignore them and they’ll look like fucking chumps qualifying themselves to you. They’re blown out of the set.
1) "whoa.. dude, you remind me so much of the most popular guy from my high school.. like the captain of the football team guy, who beats up all the nerds.."
2) "whoa.. dude, you're like a total alpha male.. yeah, I'm serious.. I watched this show on TV describing alpha males.. you totally fit the bill."
3) "dude.. you're a pretty cool guy.. you know, I'm just saying that you're cool.. you're just a cool guy" (in a way where he can't tell if you're serious, so he has to say "thanks", but doesn't quite know how to react)
its like if I told a gangster rapper "hey, you're like the 'fuck-guy'.. you like to say 'fuck' all the time.. that's so cool.... 'fuuuuck guuuuuy.. what's up!" The gangster rapper would feel like "WTF.. is that bad?" and stop using the word 'fuck' around me as a result. It's basically designed to get him CONSTANTLY CONSCIOUS of his actions, to trip him up.
AMOG: How do you guys know eachother?
PUA: Her? I fucked her.
(Girl will go "aaaaaaaaah... hahahahah, I did NOT!!! But she'll hit you and be giggling and start crawling all over you...).
AMOG: Hey, this is a nice girl.
PUA: Her.. she's a slut..
(Again, girl will start going "nooooo!" while giggling her ass off and crawling on you.. this is very deflating to the guy trying to cut in)
AMOG: Hey girls whats up (or whatever)
PUA: Hey dude dude (putting hands up like you give up).. I will pay you a HUNDRED dollars right now, to take these girls away from me.
(Girls will go "no no no... we love you PUA.. noooooo" and giggle and crawl on you.. Again, immediately deflating to the guy)
AMOG: Hey girls what's up (or whatever)
PUA: Dude, OMG that shirt is AWESOME.. I had one just like it in highschool, it fucking rocks man.. Having a good time in London man.. It's awesome huh? Dude you're like the coolest guy I met all night.. (patting him on the shoulder)..
AMOG: (showing signs that he wants to fight)
PUA: hahah, dude, are you like trying to pick a fight with me? hahahha.. ok ok hold up hold up.. wait a sec, we'll do even better.. first... we'll have an armwrestling competition.. then second.. we'll do one armed pushups.. and last..... POSE-DOWN!!
(then you start flexing and go "ladies?", and they start saying how you're so strong, and the AMOG looks like a tool.. you're tooling him, by making him seem like he's trying too hard to impress the girls by showing them superiority).
AMOG: Hey man.. keep talking.. no no, let's hear your pitch man.. pick these girls up man, you're doing awesome.
PUA: Hey, you know I've gotta try to impress you COOL (x-city, x-dressed, x-whateverquality) guys.. You guys fucking ROCK.
(cut him down on whatever limited amount of knowledge you have of him, even if its not relevant whatsoever, he'll feel uncomfortable and his bodylanguage will show it)
AMOG: (starts touching you to show dominance)
PUA: hahhaha, DUUUUDE, I'm not into guys man... dude, there's club-gay-whatever over there man.. hands off the merchandise buddy
(girls laugh at him, then he starts qualifying himself to you that he's not gay)
AMOG: (gets in your face)
PUA: (don't answer.. just SIT there quiet.. the more he says stuff to you, the more he's TRYING.. talking too long without an answer is QUALIFYING yourself.. so if he keeps trying to out-alpha you, and you don't answer, eventually he looks beta because he tried too hard to get your attention.. another trick is to make "let's get out of here" girlcode with your eyes to the girls (mimmick what they do to eachother when you do a bad set), and they'll leave with you)
AMOG: (gets in your face)
PUA: dude, you're an alphamale..
AMOG: what's that..
PUA: you know, like the leader of the pack.. you call the shots.. you can put your hands on guys you don't know, cause you're alpha..
(fucks up his whole 'look cool' game, because you've characterized all his manneurisms, so anything he does to look alpha makes him appear to be qualifying himself too you.. if he continues, just say "see... alphamale.. whoa tiger, I can't mess")
Once you get the guy to qualify himself to you in any way (like he tries to make friends), rather than being nice, ITMMEDIATELY cut him out of the circle. Just cut him out. You'll notice him trying to SHUT YOUR GAME DOWN by bombarding you with logical questions. They'll start pummeling you with logical stuff, so that you have to answer him the girls fall out of state. For me I found the solution was just to say "hey man, don't get all scientific on me.. we're here to have fun.." and then immediately start gaming the girls again. btw, if I'm out with any of my GFs at a club, and another guy hits on them, I use the same tactics on AMOGS to stop them.
When you cut him out of the circle, he'll either leave (too deflated), or he'll try to grab your shoulder and say something like "don't turn your back on me". From there, the girls think he's creepy, so you say "hey guys, this dude is creepy.. are you friends with this guy?? did YOU bring this guy here?" The girls will say "no no no, we don't know him", and you say "OK, let's get out of here", and put out your arms for them to grab.
Then walk away with the girls on your arms, and if you want (I do this alot) turn around and have them both kiss you on the cheek and wave the AMOG goodbye.
I let a guy pick a girl up and increase her buying temperature, then I go in and outalpha him, say he's creepy to the girls, and then remove them from him.
I just make the friends of the girl who is getting gamed on by the AMOG like me. Like, they want me, but they know they're not qualified but their friend is.
Then I say "Hey I want to meet your friend so much, but that touchy grabby lean in guy is all over her.. is she just being nice, or does she really like guys who lean in and touch and do all the 'whats your name' fake ungenuine stuff?"
The UGs are invariably like "no no, we hate guys like that.. that's why we love you so much blah blah", and then you get the FRIENDS to literally REMOVE the hottie that you want from the AMOG who is conveniently heating her up for you and saving you the hassle.
some dude is pissing on
the wall.
AMOG: its fucking huge, huh?
TD: yeah dude, I almost swooned.
He's surprised obviously (this guy was pretty alpha actually). He keeps
walking, probably thinking of how to out-alpha me.
AMOG: swooned huh? hahah man you're such a JOKER.
(I *LIKE* this one, calling guys a "joker" if they nail you with a good one..
like the implication is that he's the insecure type to use humour to gain
TD: yeah man... you know I've got to impress..
(standard come back for guys who imply I'm trying to impress them with any of
the "nice shirt" or "you're awesome" type stuff)
AMOG: haa, I AM impressed man..
(still trying to top me here)
TD: guy, without my fans.....
(I raise my hands to finish the sentence..
this is like from JAP Busting posts where I
answer "why did you ask me this" simply with "....I'm talking" (with a funny
face like "WTF is she thinking asking me this.. ) Then I do freeze out and
turn my back on him. If he attempts to re-initiate, he's outalpha'ed, so must
give up.. Also, if a guy answers with something too well thought out, I just
smirk and go "whoa dude, that's pretty scientific" and immediately turn my back
and freeze him out.. As usual, if he tries to get me to turn around by grabbing
me, I run the "whoa dude, Club-477 (gay club here) is down there.. hands off
the merchandise buddy, and if he replies I keep saying "man I'm not gay.. stop
trying man, I'm not gay").
if a guy really burns you, you could
PUA: haaa, GUY, hahah.. man, I can't keep up with you buddy, while I'm out
you're like at home thinking this stuff up.. guy you are a JOKER man..
Sickboy007 and I were gaming a 2 set from this HUGE 6'6 black guy. Once he
looked ready to knock us down, Sickboy007 goes -
Sickboy007: Dude, have you ever seen Fight Club.. Have you ever seen Fight
AMOG: umm yeah..
Sickboy007: OK dude, dude.. "I want you to HIT ME, AS HARD AS YOU CAN"... hit
me.. hit me...
AMOG: (looking like WTF?)
Sickboy007: whoa whoa whoa.. actually dude, DO NOT hit me.. with those arms,
man you'd KILL ME.. seriously man, don't don't.. look at this guy, WTF was I
AMOG: Is that design on your shirt a sphinkter? Man, you're going to need
somebody to protect you mate, you're going to have all the guys into you..
PUA: Dude, that's why I rolled up on you.. I need YOU man.. help me, please
man.. dude, I look at you, and I just KNOW that you were born to protect my
AMOG: Is that design on your shirt a sphinkter? Man, you're going to need
somebody to protect you mate, you're going to have all the guys into you..
PUA: hahah man you are SO FUNNY.. man, you're the best comedian.. dude,
honestly, I like you man.. you're awesome.. you don't have to be funny for me
to like you..
AMOG: hey you fucking ginger-minger..
PUA: whoa you're like the best verbal sparring partner ever.. that was so
original man.. you're SO COOL.. ladies, is this guy not the coolest?? Guy, I
can't roll with you, I'll pay you a hundred dollars to take these ladies from
me right now..
I'll say "Dude dude dude, CHECK
THIS OUT.. Alright, hold your hand out." and do the trick on him.
Now what this accomplishes, is that you're OWNING the guy right in front of the
girls. Rather than sitting there like a puppydog, hoping that the girls will
come back to you, you just take over the set by demonstrating something to him,
where he's having to take directions from you in order to see it.
Also important is that on occasion the alpha will know what's happening, and
just not agree to do it. Most guys will back down from this, but instead I
just CUT HIM OUT OF REALITY. I say something dismissive like "Cool dude, its
OK to be shy man, I was like that before too.. anyway HBwhatever, check this
out, its AWESOME", with HIGH ENERGY because girls are drawn to that, and then
you can blow him out of the set because the girls focus on you and there's
nothing he can do about it. If he's a member of the set (close friend or
whatever), then later on say "Dude, I'm just chilling man.. Just shooting the
shit.. I didn't mean to fuck with you.. What's your name, man?" and because of
SOCIAL PRESSURE, he'll supplicate you and actually be receptive to your
attempts to get rapport with him, because inside he feels what you've done to
his status, and he just wants a quick-fix to regain it. So if you stroke his
ego just a BIT, he'll now RESPECT you and befriend you. Even help you. But do
this later, AFTER you've blown him out, when he's sitting there like a pouting
He stops beside me at the
computer, with this girl on his arm, and says "Hey check out this guy's little
trick. It's the bomb. He can grab a coin out of your hand in like 1 second.
Show her the shit man. Show her."
Alphas always try to do this stupid shit. I think its funny, because this guy
obviously has no idea what he's dealing with.
So he puts out his hand to make me do it on him. I stand up and smirk, and
then put out my hand for his girl to be the one I do it on.
Right there, I'm now disobeying him, smirking at him like I'm not even saying
much to him other than just being dismissive, and controlling the set the way
*I* want it done.
Immediately she touches me and shows IOIs.
I say "For you man, I'd do anything. I met this guy last night, and he was the
shit. I just KNEW I had to impress him". Then I put my hand on his shoulder
while I say this.
He says "Yeah, check this out!", like in this sort of alpha way that I can't
really explain on the internet, but he's trying to like re-direct the set. But
I cut him off just as the last word "out" is coming out of his mouth, and I'm
like "Dude, SSHHH.. This requires concentration. Stay still."
Then I run the trick, and she freaks out. Then I ITMMEDIATELY start pumelling
her with game, right in front of her guy. She's touching me, giving IOIs, and
I'm pushing her onto him.
"just sit there and say nothing, or
even make "let's go" girl eye code.
What I do is use silence to blow the guy out. If he acknowledges ME while I
won't acknowledge HIM, he qualifies himself by still paying attention to me,
and is blown out.
AMOG: You know I already fucked these girls.
PUA: haa... oh man, I hope you doubled up! GROSS!
AMOG: hey guys..
PUA: Hey.. know how I know these girls.. I fucked them..
AMOG: haa.. then you got sloppy seconds buddy.. gross!
PUA: hahaha.. oh dude, you KNOW I doubled up on these girls.. hahaha
AMOG: look at these little brats (or whatever teasing or neg)
PUA: yeah man, these girls tried to fuck me all night..
AMOG: they tried to fuck YOU? hahha, these girls ARE sluts!
PUA: dude, you have NO CLUE.. these girls just did (whatever thing you can
AMOG: hey look at these little brats (or whatever teasing)
BADBOY: hey man.. do you have a girlfriend?
AMOG: yes..
BADBOY: girls.. what do you think of a guy who goes out and leaves his
girlfriend all alone.. is that nice?
HBS: nooooo...
AMOG: no... (he now looks bad for having no girlfriend)
BADBOY: man, you have to be nice to girls.. you have to by them drinks and
flowers and call them 10 times a day.. girls, you like guys who treat you nice
right (they HAVE to say yes, even though they don't.. also, by saying it in a
way that makes nice guys sound LAME, he's highlighting that he's not like that,
but is TOOLING the AMOG all the while)
For guys who have less game:
AMOG: flowers/drinks/compliments/even just approaching
BADBOY: girls.. go to him.. he is nice.. he will buy you whatever you want, and
call TEN TIMES A DAY.. no no.. a HUNDRED TIMES A DAY.. he will WORSHIP YOU..
Even acting totally "normal" (not doing anything to actively control frame), you can still demonstrate higher value by having a better voice, better eye contact, better humour, and more than anything a better frame by being LESS REACTIVE TO THE SITUATION THAN HE IS.
TD Don't be embarrassed.. Implants will give you buoyancy when you're swimming. If we were all lost at sea, you'd be the only one to survive..
HBBartender hahahhaha. THEY'RE NOT FAKE!
TD Sure.. Um yeah, cool..
AMOG Hey! Don't insult my girlfriend! (I can tell he's playing Mr. Coolguy AMOG, and that he's not her boyfriend.)
TD You guys are a couple? That's so cute. You guys are so similar looking, it's like you're brother and sister. Oh MAN - if you guys have kids they'll come out like (I put my hands on the side of my face and make flipper motions and squeaky noises, pretending the kids will be inbred retarded)
HBBartender (and whole set) hahahhahahahhahaha...
AMOG What? Shut the f*ck up or I'll smash your face in.
TD LOL.. Whoa. Dude man, I'm turning back around. This whole corner of the bar is yours man. You rule this territory. You're like the alphamale of this joint man - CARRY ON.. (I flick him off with a dismissive wave, as I turn my back on him, on my barstool, and talk to the guy I'm out with).
HBBartender hahahahhahahahhaha..
(I chat my friend for a minute, as the bartender comes over and starts touching me and shit.. the girl from the AMOG's set is also staring at me, while I'm actively ignoring all of them and just chatting my friend, to make it look like we're just two old friends out on the town, having a drink to catch up... Then the AMOG comes over and puts his arms around me and my friend, to out-alpha us).
AMOG Hey, you guys are cute. I want to buy you a drink, man. (it's condescending to out alpha me)
TD A drink? Holy shit dude, you're like the nicest guy in this whole place Man, THANKS.. YO, this guy wants to buy me a drink! (I yell this a few times for everyone to hear, so he looks stupid.. they all laugh at him)
AMOG Yeah, I'm calling him cute.
TD OMG man. You're cute too. I love your nipples (poke him). Man, you can roll with me any time.
(Now everyone is laughing at him, and he's not too happy. He's touching me more and more, to regain status. I'm laying back like I don't give a f*ck, and then I jump out from under his arm, slap him on the back, and go "Whoa big fella.. easy now.." and turn my back on him and re-engage the guy I came with).
Out of nowhere, the girl from the AMOG's set crawls up on his back, and peeps over at me from over his shoulder. She looks like a little 5 year old, peeping over her dad's shoulder.
TD You look like a little puppet, peering over at us like that. It's so funny.
HB hahahhaha.. WHAT? I'm a PUPPET?
TD Yeah. Or a powerpuff girl (I haven't used the powerpuff girl line in months.. nice to bring the back old school on this HB)..
HB ahahhaa.. which one?
TD Bubbles..
HB hahahahaa... What's your name?
AMOG (cuts in, probably thinking "How the f*ck is this guy doing this??") This guy is cute. I tried to buy him a drink (trying to out-alpha me).
TD Yeah, I'm thinking of going home with this guy. I can't resist a big teddy bear like him. He's so cuddly, and he touches me alot which I really like. Look at his big arms (I squeeze his arms).
HB hahahaha..
TD Yeah, but you know what? Really, the real sexual predators are GIRLS.. Girls are sexual predators.. OK, get this. Girls are the only ones with ONE BODYPART, that's designed for nothing other than sexual pleasure.
HB hahahaha
AMOG Hey, you can't talk about this to my girlfriend.
TD Hey man, this may be your girlfriend, but she's MY little sister.. (I turn from him to the girl). You know what? You're lucky I even let you go out with her, man. If I wasn't going home tonight with this big teddy bear, I'd adopt you. You could be my new little sister.
HB (jumps on me and kinos me). OMG, I would LOVE that..
TD Yeah, I would wrap you up in a little bubble wrap envelope. I'd pack you in my suitcase and you could squish all the bubbles. I'd bring you to LA with me to hang out, so you wouldn't have to live in this sh*tty weather.
(AMOG is feeling deflated.. I have so many IOIs because I'm using a bit of party style game on her, in terms of the high impact lines I'm using.. He feels the lack of attention from his girl)
AMOG Hey, are you going to adopt me too?
TD Dude, be quiet, I'm talking about sexual predators.. Now where was I? Oh yeah.. Girls are the only ones with one bodypart just for sexual pleasure.
HB hahahhaha
TD Yeah, and on that bodypart, there are ten times more nerve endings than anything that a guy has..
HB hahahaha..
TD That's why when girls have sex, they go "AWWWWW... OOHHHHH".. and guys are like "ummmm yeah, this is cool"
HB hahahahahahahahahah (dies laughing) IT'S TRUE! Girls are sexual predators! OMG, I can't believe you know that!
AMOG Wow, this guy is smart..
TD Thanks bro. Man, I love compliments. Its definitely ON between us tonight, dude.
HB hahahaha..
TD Check this out. My friend showed me this earlier today. This rocks. Get a coin out (I start running the coin-snatch trick).
As f*cking USUAL, and I see this ALL THE TIME with AMOGs - he steals the coin out of my hand. BUT, because I have the IOIs, I just say "Hey, my boyfriend is feeling a little insecure. Get the coin back from him." and I turn my back on her. Because I've turned my back, she feels the loss of the takeaway and starts SCREAMING at the guy to give it back.
He looks like an idiot, having to give it back. btw, in cases where this happens *before* I have the IOIs to make her scream at him to get it back, I just pump a bunch of mini-cold-reads and teases in a row, to get her buying temperature up fast, and then ask. She'll do it. In this case, I have buying temperature already, so I just tell the girl what to do, and turn around and smirk to the guy who came with me, whose jaw is dropped, gaping at how I've structured this. She pulls me and tugs me to turn back around, and I run the coin snatch basic trick.
TD You're awesome.. I love how you laugh at all my jokes and you make me feel like I'm the sh*t.. I want to hang with you all the time.. Actually, I know I never will, because its a bar-thing, but I felt the emotion of wanting it for one brief second back there, nonetheless..
HB NOOOOOOO, you have to hang with me, blah blah..
TD No no.. Your boyfriend here can take care of you. Look at this guy. He's super nice. He even tried to buy me a drink. You could get drinks from this guy, and he'd call you 10 times a day and worship you and always seek your approval. Plus, look how cute he is. And look at his arms. (I squeeze his arms).
AMOG Oh, thanks man.. You're cute too (not good enough of a comeback, so she's still focused on me).
TD (I roll my eyes at the girl like "let's go" girl eyecode, and she nods to me in understanding).
AMOG (whispers into my ear) Dude, this girl is from Perth (45 minutes away). She doesn't live here. You won't get her.
TD (ignoring the comment) You know, I have an intuition about you. You're from Perth, aren't you? That's the feeling I get.
AMOG I *told* him..
TD Umm yeah. HB, it was actually intuition. Watch. Picture a number on a blackboard, from one to four. Picture it, picture it, picture it.... OK..... THREE.
HB OMG OMG OMG.. How did you do that???
AMOG He guessed..
TD Yeah, cool man.. Anyway, keep picturing the black board.. Picture a number from one to ten.. Picture it, picture it, picture it........ SEVEN.
(she now believes that I could tell that she was from Perth on my own, and thinks that the AMOG is lying to her)
TD I'll teach you that sometime. It's easy to learn, but not many people know it. Everyone has it in them.
TD I'm trusting you more now. But I still see that predator thing on your face. I'm going to trust-test you. (run trust test, and fail her even though she does decent.. I slap her hands away and tell her to 'go away', as she keeps her hands there like a puppydog trying to take another shot.. she gets it good, and then I put her hands on my thighs, and she keeps them there as I lean back in my chair - good IOI).
I then run the teddybear lap tactic thing on her, and she jumps off me and shrieks. She whispers in my ear "You can't do that with them here.. Don't do that right now.." I'm surprised. I've never had that trick fail even once. Instead of worrying, I just plow through, and figure to try again later, once buying temperature is up (although I'm surprised, because all of my intuitions were telling me that she was high enough to sit on my lap).
TD I run around 5-6 humour stories, including bad ass little kid story, rollerblading story, and commonalities story (money routine I invented and will post later because it could use improvements - very comfort building style, but in the form of a DHV).
The AMOG is constantly trying to be invasive, and I just keep either rolling my eyes at him and continuing, or out-alphaing him with the basic stuff that I was using before. On a few occasions over the next hour he gets in a few good ones, but it's like 10-1 in my favour, so I suck up all the IOIs from him within seconds, every time.
He's frequently telling me what to do. Ordering me around. "Dude, come dance.", "Man, show this girl something.", "Guy, treat me/her/whoever with respect". I'd constantly say sh*t like "Easy tiger.. C'mon man, you're too cute to get angry", and sh*t like that. Or I'd completely ignore him, and be very dismissive. He couldn't get an inch, and EVERYONE around us was very aware of it. He probably thought to himself "How is this little sh*t doing this??"
"I'm gonna ask you some questions, and I don't want you
to answer with words. I want you to answer with your hand.
I'm gonna ask you about some things like your job. If
something is close to your heart, hold your hand close to
your heart. If it's far away, hold your hand far away.
If it's in between, hold your hand there.
"Now, how close is your job to your heart?
"Think about something you're really passionate about,
like a hobby. Do you have it? How close is that to your heart?
"How close is your boyfriend to your heart?
"How close is your family to your heart?
"Now, if I was to offer you another job that was right there
[he moves her hand near her face, closer than her original job],
would you take it?"
She answers yes.
"And if a some guy came along [Chris is waving his hands toward
me] who was right there [he moves her hand so it's touching her
nose], would you take him?"