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Kino Escalation



Kino is playful tapping

Kino generates confidence, experience and Flirtyness

Kino should be introduced the first 15 seconds into a set

It makes you the touchy feely guy

It get her used to your touch


1. Arm/Arm

2. Leg/Leg

3. Hand on back near shoulder blades

4. Lower back


-Say hello and goodbye with a kiss

-Never both hands around her

-Keep it short but frequent.

-Find any excuse to lay hand on hers

-Palm Read. ****Quick guide below******

-Hand holding (Preferably when walking)

-After a quick question put hand on shoulder to see if she is tensed

-Hi 5 everyone in the room with one line openers and just walk away

-Hi 5 everyone “guess what!? I just won the lottery!” (then, walk away)

 This shows non-neediness. The next time around, you’ll get opened

-Show her some weird hand shakes

-“you and I need to have our own secret hand shake!” make it confusing

-I have huge hands, let me see your hands” interlock hands, look at them

 then and let go “I’ll take my hand back now”

-Thumb wrestling

-Touch face “Hold still you have an eye lash (this is a kiss test)

-Always come back to arm touching

-“Oh my god, you are so weird but adorable” then put arm around her hug

-“WTF, you are rich? We are so getting married!” then grab her hand “can  

    you cook? Ok never mind we are broken up now!” and let her hand go

-Tap her back and give a little message, “you were tensed”

- The Trust Test

    “Here, give me your hands, Don’t get any ideas” hold both hands

     1. Squeeze her hands. If she squeezes back she passed

     2. Lower hands, if she follows, she passed

-"Let's see if you can read secret messages." Then write letters on her back with your finger

-When story telling, show her by doing it to her...for eample, Titanic's "I'm the king of the world" Hold her hands up from behind just like in the movie.

-"Hide me. That girl has been following me all night" you pretend you are hiding behind her while holding on to her shoulder.


“I bet you a drink that I can kiss you without touching your lips” kiss her and say upps, I kissed you half way so you pay for half.

-after making her laugh, point to left cheek, then the right, then lips

-“I am so trying not to kiss you right now” while making a ‘C’ on her face

-“you smell good” if she doesn’t flinch or pull back, go for the kiss


"Did you know that the ring finger on the left hand is the only finger that has a vein that goes straight to the heart without branching out?" (Say this as you are touching her)

Palm Reading Easy Guide

Intermediate Kino

After she is comfortable with light kino you progress to mid kino. This kino is still playful, but a bit more intimate and overt. You can now go for slightly more private body parts such as her back, waist and legs. At this level longer touches can also be introduced. However, before you do it is a good idea to perform a short or incidental kino escalation move around that area first, to test her comfort level before you go for a longer touch. For instance, you can let your leg brush against hers, or gently tap her thigh while making a point, to see if she would be comfortable with longer kino on her legs. Here are some more mid kino escalation examples:

  • Tickling – Start tickling her and get into a tickle fight. Any physical play like this is great for building comfort.

  • Arm-in-arming – As you are walking you can lock arm in arm with her to escort her.

  • Hugging – Can be used for instance to reward her when she has done something good.

  • Hand on her leg – Put your hand on her knee. Then, when she expects that is all you will do you squeeze her knee, going from sensual to playful in an instant.

  • Hand on your leg – Take her hand and place it on your leg.

  • Dancing – If you have a dance floor you can take advantage of that to get some serious kino going. Ask her, “You know how to dance?” When she says <Yes!> say “Let’s go” as you take her hand and lead her to the dance floor.

  • Hand play – Let your fingers play with her hand. Keep in mind that as with most kino escalation this is just subtext. Your conversation should not reflect what you are doing.

  • Soft touch – Run your fingertips slowly over the backside of her hand, her inner arm or neck. This touch can feel really good.

  • Caressing back – Put your hand on her back and start caressing her. Then, when she expects you to be sensual you go back to being playful by tickling her or snapping her bra.

  • Stomach touch – While you talk about fitness you can give her a compliment on her flat stomach as you slide your hand over it. When you do this you can get a sense for whether she would be comfortable with a longer touch around that area, such as having your hand around her waist.



When she is comfortable with mid kino you can move on to heavy kino. This includes more intimate areas – such as her neck and facial area: ears, lips and hair. Note that this is still comfort building. Heavy kino does not include erogenous zones such as her breasts, crotch or inner thighs. Those areas are not paid any direct attention until Foreplay, where the intent is sexual arousal. Making out can arouse you, so make sure not to cross the line until you are at a seduction location. As with mid kino, you can go for incidental touches first before you go for more overt ones.

  • Hair play – Run your hand through her hair or twirl it around while looking into her eyes. To see if she would be comfortable with you touching her hair, you can lead up to it by for instance brushing a stray hair out of her face.

  • Hair pull – Reach behind her neck and gently pull a fistful of her hair downwards. It feels really good.

  • Smelling – In the middle of a conversation you can reach over and smell her neck. Say “Mmm, you smell so… good” and then continue on with the conversation.

  • Biting – Pull her close and say “I want to bite you”. Then give her a little bite on the neck.

  • Sit on lap – Take her hand and move it above her head so that she spins around. Then, when her back is towards you, sit her down on your lap and hug her from behind.

  • Arm around shoulder – Slide your hand along her shoulder and let it rest there in a 90-degree angle. It is protective and shows a strong masculine presence.

  • Massage – Tell her you give a mean shoulder massage and let her have one.

  • Kissing with release – There are many good techniques for kissing a girl. One would be to put on some flavored chapstick and say, “You know what the best part about chapstick is? Here, smell it”. Let her smell it and then continue, “It not only smells like strawberries, it actually tastes like strawberries too. Check it out”. And then you go in and kiss her.

  • French kissing – This is the borderline between heavy kino and foreplay kino. It is a good idea to kiss the girl normally before you start making out with her.


Kino routines


Every single kino is a routine. This means that you create a scenario for each kino step where it happens naturally and smoothly. Being smooth is about being able to escalate without the girl resisting it. There are only so many ways to escalate and so many possible responses she can give, so you should prepare for these. Develop your own 10–15 or so routines for escalating and have them planned out in your mind. Once you know the process and can see it clearly, there is almost a 100% chance of success when going from one step to the next and she will enjoy it so much more. Here is a sample routine:

“You know, I can’t hang out with girls who don’t give good hugs. Do you give good hugs?” <Yeah> “Prove it.” She gives you a hug and you say, “That was about a six”. Then show her how it is done by giving her a really good hug, heart to heart.

Notice that the routine starts with a challenge, baiting her to give you the kino. If she takes the bait and goes for the kino you playfully disqualify her and then go for the escalation without any risk of rejection. Two more ways to make the kino escalation natural are through the game frame and the teaching-her-something frame.

The example also involves reverse kino escalation, where you have the girl escalate for you. In general, the girl will be more comfortable touching you than with you touching her. Furthermore, when she touches you her kino comfort level rises and she will be more comfortable receiving the same kino from you. Here is another routine:

“Are you good at whispering in people’s ears?” <What?> “Okay, I’ll go first. Lean over slowly and slide your hand behind her neck. Gently grab the back of her hair, put your lips right at her ear and whisper, “Never mind” before leaning back.

In addition to making her more comfortable with your proximity, this routine communicates that you know how to touch a woman and that you understand anticipation and sexual teasing.


Kino routine steps


There are three steps in a kino escalation routine.

  • Perform the kino step.

  • Sense how comfortable she is with it.

  • Release the kino.

The first time you perform a kino escalation move on a girl you should soon release it. The withdrawal is what amplifies the attraction and makes her want the kino more. It is both a push forward and a pull back, the emotional roller coaster ride that women love. After she has accepted an escalation step she will be open to receiving the kino for longer periods of time.

When people are attracted to each other they want to touch each other. We like to be touched by people we like. However, the girl will tend to feel some discomfort from the escalation, as you are pushing her boundaries. Therefore, every time you make an escalation move on a girl, you need to calibrate to see whether she is comfortable with the move or not.

If she feels uncomfortable with the kino escalation you should release it before she has time to resist. Step back so that there is nothing to resist from. Do not take it personally. She is not saying “No”, she is saying, “Not yet, have more fun with me.” To get to the next level you first need to make her comfortable with this level. To bring this about you can demonstrate disinterest as a result of her resistance. You can, for example, throw the kino away, express disinterest with words, verbally disengage or give her negative body language for a moment. The sense of loss from your release will make her feel more discomfort, as if she did something wrong to turn you off, and she will feel compelled to come chase you. Wait for her to bring something back to the interaction. If she does not, reinitiate the interaction by either going for the escalation again or moving on to the next routine. Her discomfort during this freeze out will be greater than her unease at the original touch and so she will be more welcoming of the second attempt.

When the girl accepts a kino move, or even shows that she enjoys it, that kino level is unlocked. Even though she is comfortable with the kino you should still release it, so as to make her want more of it and not to make it appear as if the chase is over. This keeps things fun, interesting and unpredictable for her. For example, when you find something she really likes, you can stop doing it. Make her really want it before you tease her with a little bit more of it. You can keep bringing such kino steps back as a spice several times in Comfort, when she is least expecting it. By teasing her – doing a little bit and then stopping – you build anticipation, which is something that all women love.

The second time you or she initiates a kino step you can let it continue longer. The idea is after all that you want the kino. You should still be the one who ends it though. For example, you can tell the girl, “We better slow down” or “That’s all you get, don’t get any ideas” as you do the release. You need to watch her reactions to know when to throw off the kino. When she is comfortable with one level of kino, you can perform a few other routines for a while and then move on to the next level of kino.


Escalation guidelines


A key thing about kino escalation is that if it is a big deal to you then it becomes a big deal for her. Therefore, when you escalate do not make a big deal about it, because it is not. If you think it is natural then it is and she will perceive it so too. Be congruent so it does not seem awkward or contrived. Show a strong intent and be sure to expect a positive outcome. A lot of times the best way to move things forward is just to give commands: “Come here”, “Give me your hand”, “Sit down”, “Let’s go”. Girls are attracted to a guy that takes the initiative and leads the situation. If you feel hesitant whether to go for it or not, just remember that it is always on and go for it. Make it happen. -PUA School

Balls Out Kino

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