Be More Alpha

Qualifying the Girl
The idea is that you're running a normal pickup, but using callback humour and the cocky & playful roleplaying stuff. So this gives you the maneuverability to run a nice normal conversation, but keeping the interaction charged with this stuff.
-Use "reverse-EV" type stuff, so that she's finding out positive things about you and building trust. The whole pickup lasts usually around 4-7 hours, start to lay. You're supposed to be conveying personality during this time. The accusing-them thing is something you do as their state drops, or when you see a good opening to do so. It's not the entire method, since just teasing won't get you laid except by party girls. With party girls, just tease the fuck out of them, that's it.
-Qualify her to you, and every time you act impressed lean in, and then say "wait a minute.. what are you doing.. I can't talk to you anymore, you're trouble"
-Ask her arbitrary questions about herself, and then pretend like you're hitting buying temperature, but then cutting it off because you're afraid that she'll take advantage of that. "PUA: What's your sign? HB: Libra. PUA: OMG I love you (take hands).... Wait, I can't talk to you anymore.. You're trouble.. Go away (push her away and turn your back on her and face her friends and say "she's trouble")"
-If she does something really impressive, pretend like you freaked out and hit high buying temperature, and jump in and kiss her, then go "aaaah.... what are you doing to me???" and turn around and move away from her like you're scared that she manipulated you to do that.
-Condition her (like Pavlov's dogs) to keep doing things that will seduce you. She'll grab you, etc.. Reward her with kino, or whatever. But then also run away when she escalates it too much. Mindfuck her into trying to seduce you. The girls seem to think that this is really fun, because they feel safe and on their terms, and also they seem to find it a turn-on. Bear in mind, you're coming in super-confident (you opened them, you held court in the set), so its obvious that you have alot going for you.
(cocky and funny)
Kinky Substitute Teacher Routine (author?)
She's a kinky substitute teacher, and I'm the naughty student. That's hilarious already. Would have been good for "you can go." "oh, I'm dismissed?" "Yeah" "Cool, it's just like school...Like you're the kinky substitute teacher who kept me after class on detention, because I'm the naughty schoolboy" etc.
"What would you do if I was really, really bad?"
(Juggler Qualifiers)
if you could spend your life doing one thing, what would it be? (tell your passion in life)
I like a woman who can cook well. What is your best dish? (talk about ur fav)
If we were a couple and I wanted to hang out with my friends at 2am how would u feel about that?
(compliments before you are about to close)
wow you are pretty funny
don’t get a big head or anything but I just noticed that you are actually a very pretty girl. I like the way your nose kind of turns up. Kind of snobbish but hey all the beautiful people are snobs
wow you are pretty smart after all
I love your laugh
Beauty is common. Too bad you’re not my type cause you are really beautiful What do you got going for you besides your looks?
"know what?? i know a better way to make $$$.. I need a RICH girl.."
"you're cuuuuute.. you'll make a nice new girlfriend I think.. wait a sec though, can you cook?"
12 Wives Routine (Maxwell Bond)
(After marrying her) We get along so well! Now you just have to impress my 12 wives, since they won't let me marry anyone unless the approve. Wife #12 is an Astronaut and has been around the world twice! Wife #11 is a private eye and has busted Columbian drug lords. Wife #10 is a fire fighter... what have you got going on to be my new wife?
Note: You can keep mentioning new wives each time you want to requalify her, or disqualify yourself... "Wife #9 is an oil tycoon and is too picky. It won't work out between us"!
What else do you have going for you besides your looks?
Are you adventurous?
"No. I don't buy girls drinks. But you can buy me one.” If not, you say, "Pleasure meeting you" [not sarcastically] and turn your back to her again. Don’t walk away, just turn your back.
Heaven/Hell routine (HelmutS)
I found myself using this a lot after TD's "PVC-Devil" Routine. If not, then I often enter it by disqualifying her from "going to heaven" because she's such an evil chick... then it goes like:
"You know, actually I wouldn't want to go to heaven myself. I mean, think about it, where are all the Rockstars, the Models, the Party Girls, the Porno Actors going to end up after their death? Yeah, right, in hell. So, while above you're going to sit on a cloud, playing harp and flirting with Mother Theresa at best, down there there's going to be some HOT party going on, scantily-clad chicks and lots of Barbeque..."
I use this to set the frame for them that you want "bad girls" not "nice girls" and that you want party, not sainthood. Neodes actually prefaced it once by saying "ya know, we're angels, we got thrown out of heaven for some stupid shit Helmut did (start a little busting wing/wing), and we got to do three more good deeds for getting our wings back so we can get up there again. But actually we dont want...bla bla bla...
Jealous Boyfriend Routine (ZenDragon)
Everytime when I'm talking to a girl. Another guy waves to her, or comes over
to give her a hug, or comes over to chat with her briefly. I would say to the
"hey is that your jealous boyfriend?"
"good, 'cause last week I was at this bar, a jealous boyfriend saw his
girlfriend talking to me and tried to start a fight with me..."
On Friday I chatted up this girl who sat next to me on a couch, after a few
minutes, a guy came over and sat next to her on the other side. I ran the
"jealous boyfriend" routine, she said "no he's fine". I said "cool, what if we
cuddle? will he get jealous then?" she laughed and said "no he won't". We
started cuddling. She followed me around for the rest of the night and
eventually email closed me in front of her REAL boyfriend.
Now in hindsight, while we were cuddling, I should also have said "what if we
kiss? will he be jealous THEN?" to see if she'd go for it right there and then.
This will
1) Indirectly demonstrate social proof
2) reveal her relationship with the guy
3) get her to qualify herself by telling you "oh no he's cool" "oh no he
doesn't care" "oh no we're just friends" "oh no, i don't know him that well"
4) frame that guy as a 'jealous type' in case he's an AMOG who may CB you later
5) open up another interesting conversation thread.
6) Moving the 2 of you in the frame of "since he's not the jealous boyfriend,
we can do more intimate things together"
YOU: What nationality are you?
YOU: Seriously? No WAY!!! The girl I had the biggest crush on in high school was French! I can't even talk to you now.
ME: If you could be anything in the world with no chance of failure, what would you want to be? And don't say "Princess" haa.
HER: Um, an actress.
ME: Really? When I was little I wanted to grow up and be a magician. And you know what I am now? A magician! So you want to be an actress. I'm living proof that our dreams can come true. It would be so cool if you were an actress. I LOVE THAT! We need to figure out how to make that happen. I bet you'd be an amazing actress. But what if you get more attention than I? I can't even hang out with you now.
Breaks (from ijjjji method)
Aaawww.. you got an X.. no - don't show me that!
Mmmm you got so cute eyes.. no.. don't look at me! Its a bad idea! Stop giving me these feelings!
Mmmm it feels so good.. I'm so relaxed.. No! We got to stop! This is a bad idea - we can't have these feelings!
Stop tempting me to kiss you!
Aww that smell is so good! No! Don't let me smell that! We can't do this!
It can never work between us.. shit your skin is so soft!
Wow.. wait.. what are you doing to me!?
OMG I'm so attracted to you.. but I'm scared and shy.. I got to go now!
(juggler epiphany) I wouldn’t have guess we sould have connected like we are doing…at first I thought to myself you are a stuck up girl with attitude, but now I see another side to you…blah blah” then close
(Time Bridge)
(Juggler answer ur own question) gues what just happened? “um I don’t know” “ of course you don’t. anything can happen in this wacky life, aliens could have landed on my lawn or a band of little people could have carried my car away. But actually there is this dog…”
gosh we are awesome. Kind of scary huh? When we see each other we’ll have to be careful we don’t light things on fire. She will be like, “I know. I can’t wait.” (juggler phone close)
David DeAngelo:
If a woman says "Give me your number" and you say "Look,
I'm not that easy... don't think that just because I give
you my number that I'm going to go out with you or sleep
with you"...
Balloons in the park (jlaix)
[Used in telephone sarge]
"Yeah, I thought we could go to the park, and hold hands, and run around and buy balloons then let them go. Then, we could go to the beach, like, at sunset, and walk along, then take off our shoes and write each others' names in the sand with our feet."
Talk about times you're busy before talking about times you're available.
- making plans get together. instead of saying "How about tomorrow at 3?" smart
guy says "Let's see, I'm busy tomorrow morning and the next day. And I'm going
out of town this weekend... But I can do it tomorrow at 3."
“Hey, tomorrow I’m going skateboarding in Central Park. It’s going to be really cool. You ever go skateboarding? I can teach you. Other than that we can just walk around the park. It’ll be fun. It’s going to be a great day out.” So you just have an activity in mind on Day 2. She’s like, “Okay.” You’re like, “How can I get in touch with you.” “Here’s my phone number.”
hot chick in a club, she gives guys her number. What, are you building anticipation by waiting? She knows you’re going to call, she knows what you’re calling for. Instead you ask, “Listen. What are you doing tomorrow? It’s really cool.”
What if you had all these different subjects to talk about and you don’t finish talking about them. On Day 2 she’s going to be more inclined to hook up, because you have more to talk about and you’re this person who can talk about so many different subjects instead of just one.
After I've talked to a chick for about 3 or 4 minutes, I'll often say something like "Well, it was nice meeting you. I'm going to get back to my friends." They usually don't know what to do, as they're used to guys clinging. Then, just as I'm turning to walk away. and we kind of disconnect.
I turn back and say "Do you have email?"
If they say "no", and that they don't have email, then I bust their balls and say "Well, do you have electricity?" Then I say "Well, OK then. I like email better, but I'll take your regular phone number. it's so damn hard to reach people on the phone these days." I hope you get what just happened. OK, then, as they're writing I say "Is this a number that you actually answer?"
If not, then I say "Look, write your real number down. it's going to be OK, I'll only call you nine times a day." They laugh, and give me their real number.
I write and say "Hey, it was nice meeting you last night. what are you up to this week? Would you like to join me for a cup of something wonderful and some stimulating conversation? Talk to me."
If they don't answer that one, I write back a couple of days later "What, playing hard to get already? Nice. Talk to me."
I get most of them emailing me back by this point.
When they do, I say "What's your # and when's a good time to reach you?"
now I'm on the phone with them. I want to get together with them for about 30 minutes and see what they're like as a person, and decide if they're someone that I'd like to know better.
I'll say "Well, let's see. what's your schedule for the next few days? (I chose a time.) Why don't we get together tomorrow at about four. Do you know where the blah blah blah coffee shop is? Great. if we get along, then maybe we can go for a bite to eat. but you know, coffee is a safe bet. this way if you're scary in person, I can say "Oh, hey. um. I just remembered that I have to go floss my cat. it's really important." and then we can call it a night."
Next, I tell them that the coffee place is close to my house, and why don't they just meet me at my place, ring the bell, and I'll come out and we can go. this way if she's a few minutes early or late, I don't have to be waiting
Then I say "Now, let me ask you this. what are the chances that you're going to not show up tomorrow? <Let her answer> Because one of my pet peeves is people that are late or flaky. I can deal with a lot of things, but I'm always on time and where I say I'm going to be, and I never have an excuse or don't show up. so I just wanted to make sure. because if there's one thing that could end our friendship before it starts, it's flakiness."
Next, when we're getting ready to hang up, I say something like "Great, it's going to be nice to get to know you better. And if nothing else, we can just be FRIENDS."
It's taken me and a good friend of mine a long time to get this piece. From here on out, I constantly drop hints about just 'being friends' and how I really 'like her as a friend' and how 'it's nice to meet someone that I like as a friend.'
(Juggler Balance of Power)
I’m free Thursday after 7. Come over and I’ll do that thing you always like with my tongue and the feather
It’s alright to call me up and ask to come over. Anytime, so long as you are bringing some massage oil or my favorite ice cream.
H: call me back in an hour
Y: unfortunately I’ll be busy then. Go to take the dog in to get his hair done. I might get him a mullet or a Mr. T cut. Anyways, I’ll try to call you later tonight or another time.
“You know I like you, but you’re not a stalker are you?
You’re not the type who checks her messages five times a day, will call me in the middle of the night are you?
Will I be safe around you?”
When qualifying a woman, you establish that YOU are the chooser and that SHE is the chaser. She must work for and win your approval and acceptance of her.
You can qualify a woman on just about anything, but what often works best is screening her based on completely trivial qualities.
For example you could say to woman,
“I can just tell you would be so much trouble for me. I can see it in those eyes. You just look like a handful. How do I know you won’t just drive me up the wall?”
Or you could say,
“You look young for me. Hmm, what else do you have going for you that would make up for that?”
The key is to sound playful and not too serious. Wear a smile on your face. If she already likes you somewhat, she’ll start trying to prove her value to you.
You can also qualify a girl for qualities that you’re seriously looking for. For example, perhaps you want a bi-sexual girl that will eventually have threesomes with you. You can tell a woman, “I only date bi-sexual women.”
Or tell her,
“I only date highly creative and intelligent women. Are you creative?”
Or say,
“Do you work out? I like to be with women who take care of themselves.”
The hotter the chick, the harder you may need to qualify her. On an extremely hot girl, don’t be afraid to pummel her with screening criteria. Qualify HARD.
As long as she feels that she had to WORK for and EARN your approval and attention, she’ll have dopamine hormones flooding her head – the hormone responsible for love, desire, and wanting to chase a reward.
How Make Her Quickly Qualify Herself To You
If you’re passed the hook point and SHE wants the conversation to continue, she’ll start giving you reasons that she’s unique – in effect, she’s trying to make you LIKE her MORE. She’s gaming YOU by qualifying herself to you.
Of course you can qualify a girl right off your opener, by going up to a girl and telling her,
“Hi there! You’re absolutely adorable. But do you have anything more going for you than your looks?”
But qualifying HARD really shines, really has its full potential AFTER the hook point and the girl is already investing in you and investing in the conversation.
And the hotter the chick, the more you’ll want to qualify her. On an extremely hot girl, don’t be afraid to pummel her with qualifying criteria. Qualify her HARD. Really make her work to game you hard. Make her work hard to win you.
And the funny thing about hot women is, that they are so used to being chased by the guy, that when she does start gaming you, by asking you questions and qualifying herself to you, she’ll fall for you even HARDER – because it’s so rare for her to do that, so rare for her to actually game the guy. That’s why in their own way, extremely beautiful women can fall HARDER for you than you’re typical woman.
Also qualify the girl based on your personal standards. Maybe you don’t like girls that smoke. Qualify her on that. Be open and authentic about it, challenge her on it, tease her about it, don’t hide it just to try to impress her. Be a challenge based on your personal standards and challenge her. Speak your mind. Have the balls to the show the girl what you like and what you dislike. And stand behind what you say.
So that’s it – qualify her, qualify her, qualify her. And sit back, and let her do her portion of the talking. Make her work for it, make her invest, make her game you. And you’ll get that second date outside the club.
After She Qualifies Herself To You, Accept Her
After qualifying, it’s critical to ACCEPT HER.
You see, at some point after fighting for your approval, the girl has to feel that she’s proven herself to you. But she’ll only feel worthy of you if you ACCEPT her for passing your tests.
So if you say, “I only date bi-sexual women,” and she starts telling you about how she’s thought about being with a girl before, that shows she wants to win your approval. That’s good behavior on her part.
Reward her for her good behavior.
You: “I only date bi-sexual women.”
Her: “Oh… you know, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be with a girl.”
You: “Wow, so you don’t listen to all the stupid rules society places on women. See, I knew you were cool. We can hang out then.” (squeeze her hands)
RAPID ACCEPTANCE is when you reward a woman right away for her good answer. For example,
You: “What’s your favorite show on television?”
Her: “Desperate Housewives”
You: “Wow, I *love* that show. Oh my god, I can just imagine us ten years from now fat as cows on the couch watching marathon reruns of it.” (hug her)
You can also use DELAYED ACCEPTANCE.
With delayed acceptance, you drag out the qualifying process and make her really work for your approval. You leave her hanging in suspense for your acceptance.
“Wow, you know what… you actually stuck up for yourself. That’s really amazing. I thought you would have folded right away. Most of the girls I meet are really flaky… but you’re not like other girls. You are SO awesome.”
You can also delay acceptance by STACKING qualifying criteria, and giving her acceptance only at the very end.
For example, you can give her five or six qualifying tests she must pass all in rapid fire succession – that she lives too far away, that you don’t want to get involved with a girl unless she’s devoted to you, that you don’t normally date girls you meet in clubs, that she’s probably the jealous type, that she will probably stalk you, and so on.
Then, instead of giving acceptance on each individual point, reward all of her good answers with a grand, universal acceptance at the very end once she’s jumped through all of your hoops.
Tell her,
“You know, when I first met you I thought you were just like all the other girls. But you’re not like other girls. You’re x, y, and z. I’m so glad I met someone like you… I feel like there’s a special connection between us.” Then hug her or squeeze her hands. “Doesn’t that feel awesome when you meet somebody like that?”
It’s not that rapid acceptance is better than delayed acceptance of visa-versa. Both work and compliment each other. Use them in combination.