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Winging Rules


The Wing Rules

1) He who opens the set, OWNS the set. He gets first choice of target.

2) The primary purpose of the wing is to help the player get his target. If the wing can also game up his own target from the group, fine. But that is not his first priority.

3) Don't ever steal the target. Sometimes the player is ignoring or negging his target while working the group. It would be really easy to go into his set at this point and give attention to the target — don't do it!

4) The wing should occupy the obstacles so that the player gets more time one-on-one with his target.

5) Always agree with your wing. Never take the girls' side over him. He is always right.

6) Your wing is a great guy, a cool guy. That is why you hang out with him. After all, you have high standards.

7) Your wing's feelings are important to you, even more important than the girl's feelings. If he approaches your set, you will turn to face him. (Girls do the same with their friends.) If you disrespect your wing, it will lower your value to the girls! Never leave him standing around without acknowledging and/or introducing him.


Entering a Set as a Wing - Style's Method

The "Were you guys just talking about... " method

• The Player has opened a set and has had enough time to pass the social hook point. The Wing approaches the Player.

• Player faces Wing and greets him.

• Player then says, "Hey guys, this is my friend Wing."

• Wing says, "Oh, were you guys just talking about..."

• Player says, ".. .Yeah when that girl cast a spell on Aaron..."

Conversation continues from this point. Wing is now in the set.


Entering a Set as a Wing - Standard Method by Toecutter

The "Have you seen Michelle?" method

• The Player has opened a set and has had enough time to pass the social hook point. The Wing approaches the Player.

• Player faces Wing and greets him.

• Wing says, "Hey man, have you seen Michelle?"

• Player says, "Nope, sorry* man."

• Wing says, "I'm going to go find her."

• Wing turns to leave and starts walking away.

• Player interrupts, grabs Wing's arm and pulls him back into set.

Notice that at this point, the player has the option NOT to pull the wing back into the set. It's the player's choice what happens here.

• Player says, "Hey wait man, you should meet these girls. These girls are pretty cool."

• Wing says, "Cool, how do you guys know Player?'

• Girls say, "We just met him, just now."

• Wing says, "Cool. Get this. Last weekend," [Wing goes into routine]

At some point soon the player is talking to one girl while the wing is talking to the other girl. Now they have split the set and can go into A3.


Entering a Set as a Wing - Mystery's Take

The Accomplishment Intro

• The Player has opened a set and has had enough time to pass the social hook point. The Wing approaches the Player.

• Player faces Wing and greets him.

• Player then says, "Hey guys, this is my friend Wing, he's..."

o "...a good friend of mine,"

o "...a local musician here in town, the band is really good,"

o ".. .one of the smartest guys I know."

• Wing says, "Nice to meet you guys."


Some waypoints are:


• Opening the set

• Hook Point (Flurry of IOIs)

• Locking-in

• "So how do you all know each other?" (optional)

• Introduction of playful kino

• "Would you like to join us?" (optional)

• She qualifies herself or otherwise chases you.

• Isolate the target for comfort-building

• Compliance threshold

• Kissing

• Time bridge

• "Your friend and I like each other, are you cool with that?" (optional)

• Bounce to a C2 location

• Bounce to a seduction location

• Overcoming LMR

The waypoints are important because they must all occur at some point in every set. If your game isn't where you want it to be, figure out which waypoint is giving you the most trouble and then focus your practice efforts in that area.

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