Be More Alpha

Pumping Buying Temperature:
5 easy ways how to Pump BT
When I started the game, I always thought Pumping Buying Temperature was getting her hot and horny. Pumping Buying Temperature is basically getting her in an Emotional state instead of a Logical state (LEI). Making her laugh/tease her. Projection has to be on point. Acting it perfectly delivering energy.
Verbalizing: Everything has to be exaggerated
1. Storytelling- Emotion running through it. Trigger emotion micro moment where they cant thing logically.
Shocking/Humorous story. Conversation should be with the mindset as if she is already your gf. cute voice, hug
2. Banter- Humor, Cocky Funny.
-i only hang out with adventurous girls. Let's see if u r adventurous. (Hold hands. Squeeze, head to head and nose to nose)
-check this girl out she's cool and funny, can u believe she's never had a bf!
Give them points
Breaking up
role playing
(After just two min of talking) Alright, this relationship isn't working out! A girl will do whatever you want her to as long as you show her lil value
3. Future projections / Role playing
4. IVD's (Instant Value demonstrators)- Magic, DHV Stories, Cold Reading "You look like you would be from the East
Coast. I don't know if it is those kick-ass boots or that serious stare like you mean business"
5. Playful Kino- Twirling her, Dancing, Thumb Wrestling, Fake Fighting, Cavemanning, Make Her Slap Herself
Buying temperature spike is a short term burst of attraction generated by a powerful emotional experience. It’s a rush. Women feeling a buying temperature spike may giggle, laugh, scoff, be slack-jacked, punch you (playfully), hug you, spontaneously kiss you, or just stare at you like they want to eat you for dinner.Pump her BT then ask for Compliance. Compliance Testing: How to guide: