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Building Comfort



I usually change *my* state, but not from one second to the

other, but slooow, in a more "fluid" way. like you reduce the cocky/funny

slowly over time and get into more serious topics step by step and also throw

in less and less of that cocky/funny attitude and be more serious step by step.

this is a crucial step, cause as rio pointed out once, "chicks don´t fuck clowns"!


I’ll go as far as to say something, on Day 1, after we have meeting plans, like “Last time I went out with a girl that I kissed in a club she tries to kiss me as soon as we met, the next time. I don’t know if you girls are scared about that?” And she just picks up where I left off. Then she be like “Yeah, wow, me too.” Use all their shit against them. Use every single thing they’ve ever used against you against them.


Strawberry Fields: Hey, lets play a game! Imagine you are alone in a field, and see a straberry field in front of you with tasty strawberries. There is a fence/gate around the field. How high is it? (= how easy is this girl/guy to take sex) Now you are in the straberry field, how many straberries do you take? (=how many BFs/GFs that person wants) Ok, after you have finished enjoying the strawberries, how do you feel about the farmer, who's field you took them from? (=how you feel to that person after fucking them)


(Soul-Gazing Routine)

"Let me show you something really interesting. They SAY the eyes are the window

to the soul, but that's really only half true. The RIGHT eye (I point to HER

right eye ... not the eye that appears on MY right, but her actual, eye on HER

right side) is the window to the body and the mind ... and the left eye

(pointing to HER left eye) is the window to the soul. So, we're going to do a

little soul gazing here. You see the Celts don't believe in soul-mates. That

just creates too much pressure. The Celts believe in Soul-Friends, that we have

plenty of soul friends just waiting to meet us.

So, as I open up my left eye, and let you in, to see this soul friend waiting

to meet you, you can open up your left eye, and let me see the soul friend

that's been waiting her whole life to meet me.

(Then relax and soften my eyes ... thinking loving thoughts ... 100% of the

time, they follow right along ... when I see a little sparkle in their eye I

say) THERE! RIGHT THERE! THAT one! Can you FEEL THAT (squeeze the hand) is the

coolest thing to experience? They are amazed 100% of the time by this! Now I

have a soul friend anchor on her left hand, just by squeezing it (I don't

anchor the right hand ... as it would get fired off by everyone who shakes her

hand! I want it to be uniquely anchored to ME if possible!)

I don't do this last part. Instead I wait about 30 seconds peering deep into

her eyes. Then I say something like: "I can feel your energy going through

me. I feel like you've known you my whole life." Transition to IC.


(Palm Reading)

Ring Finger Routine?

If you look in a palmistry book you'll see that each of the fingers is

associated with a different Roman god (use Greek gods if you want it's all the

same shit).

The first finger is associated with Jupiter (strong and powerful, index finger

Saturn, ring finger Apollo and little finger Mercury.

Now lets creatively interpret according to what want to tell her.

There are 3 categories of qualities as I see it:

Qualities you want her to have: adventurous, spontaneous,

playful, passionate, deep connections etc.

Qualities you have: alpha male qualities etc, powerful,

strong etc.

Qualities to psychic read her and make her think you know about her: intuitive,

creative, etc

The lead in is "did you know the finger you wear a ring on can make an

important psychological statement about you..

Each of the fingers have different energies associated with them which are

associated with the different Roman Gods for example the first finger is

associated with Jupiter.. as you know was a great leader... for example have

you ever met someone (s.p)who was strong and powerful and could lead you into

new directions blah blah blah link alpha qualities to self.

Now pick a female quality and say associate it with say the index finger.. e.g.

you could tell her she is intuitive, Or pick the finger she is wearing the ring

on and tell her she is intuitive! The ring finger creatively change Apollo to

Venus and tell her she is capable of deep connections leads into the I/C

pattern. Can also tell her this is the only finger in her hand that has a blood

vessel that leads all the way to her heart an how they describe in the

mythology how it will feel when you meet that special person into I/C.

The pattern leads nicely into palmistry. Basically you want to think what other

patterns, challenges/qualifying you are going to use before you use all the

good (adventurous, spontaneous)qualities on this routine. If you use them in

this routine you may want to challenge her about it. Do you see that in

yourself or are you still finding a way to let it out etc.



"Okay Debbie, I am gonna give you a simple picture, with just three >> things in it: the sky, the horizon, and the desert, and I'll ask you >> to fill in a few things in this landscape. Use your imagination in >> fixing any and all the details. Use a pencil and paper if you think >> that'll help." >> >> "In the desert, imagine a cube. What does it look like? What is it >> made of? Where is it located? What state is it in?" >> >> "Now imagine a ladder. What is it made of? How big is it? How many >> rungs? Where is it located in relation to the the cube?" >> >> "Imagine some flowers. How many are they? What kind? Where are they >> located in relation to the cube and the ladder?" >> >> "And now imagine a horse. What kind of horse is it? What color? What >> size? What is it doing? Where in the scenery is it located, in >> relation to the earlier three things?" >> >> "And finally, there's a storm in this landscape. Where is it in >> relation to the other things inthe scenery? Which way is it >> proceeding? What kind of storm is it?" >> >> INTERPRETATION: >> >> The Cube: represents the woman's conception of herself (Her Ego). >> The Ladder: ...friends (and family in some cases). >> The Flowers: ...Children >> The Horse: ...Her lover >> The Storm: ...Troubles in life. >> >> It is usually easy to interpret the details. For example, a cube >> resting nicely on the sand and of neither too tiny nor too huge size >> shows a person with a good sense of proportion about their place in >> the world. A huge cube => egomaniac. A tiny cube => feels >> insignificant; low self-worth. A buried cube => overwhelmed.

1. THE CUBE: Represents the woman's conception of herself. A huge cube covering most of the scenery (Field of View or FOV) means she's got an inflated ego, a sense of high self-importance. Other features of the cube could mean: Tiny cube => feels small, insignificant, ignored, modest Cube resting on the ground => generally has a firm foothold on reality Cube far away in the distance => Feels left behind by life Cube flying in the air or levitated => daydreamer, imaginative but unrealistic Cube partly above the horizon line => ambitious Cube below the horizon => not very ambitious Cube resting on its edge => metastable life, perhaps? Cube made of solid material => good sense of self-worth, well-grounded personality Cube made of gold => Thinks of herself as extremely precious Cube made of glass or transparent cube => Considers herself pure Cube full of slimy stuff => Hates herself completely Cube hollow inside => feels hollow, unfulfilled in the extreme [interesting example: one woman know very well imagined the Rubic's cube, being twisted and turned by a child. I was not surprised because she has a sever persecution complex and total paranoia, considers everyone else stupid and childish (has a holier-than-thou mentality), feels attacked by the world, and is an emotional basketcase]

2. 2. THE LADDER: Represents her close social support structure (friends; family in some cases). Long ladder with many rungs => big social circle, has many friends, outgoing personality, sociable Ladder made of some odd material => feels her friends are weird, very different from normal people Ladder with few rungs => has few close friends Ladder in a less than good condition => believes people around her are fucked up Ladder far away from the cube => Does not let people get too close to herself; keeps aloof, has a hard shell around herself Ladder leaning against cube => Feels she does a lot of things for her friends, supports them more than they support her, feels she has some codependent people around her Ladder on top of cube => Feels her friends/family are overbearing, feels oppressed by them Ladder much bigger than cube => feels small in her social circle\ Ladder supporting cube (like, ladder under the cube) => feels her close associates support her in her accomplishments Strong ladder => is surrounded by strong people, feels secure in them Burned up ladder => Feels surrounded by totally fucked up people who are ruining themselves

3. 3. THE FLOWERS: Represent the place of children in her life. Number of flowers => children she has or wants to have, or has/wants to have around (See * below) Flowers close to cube => Feels very close to the children she has or will have Flowers far away => Does not want children Flowers blooming well => Feels positive about her children's lives Flowers messed up => is surrounded by screwed up children * Lots of flowers everywhere => Probably works with children, or would like to; (One chick I know had this; she is a grade school teacher) Flowers shaking in the wind => feels children in her life have hardships Flowers all around/over the cube => Feels overwhelmed by kids Flowers separated from cube by the ladder => feels her friends/family (do/will/might) interfere in her relationship with her children Beautiful flowers (roses, poppy etc) => Finds children very beautiful

4. 4. THE HORSE: Represents her thoughts about her lover (or the lover she thinks she wants or will have). Strong, large horse => Wants a protective, strong man Color of horse => Possibly the race of the lover she wants (the teacher chick mentioned above has a "latin thing" - her horse was brown) Horse close to the cube => Wants the lover to be very close to her emotionally and physically Horse well separated from cube => Is reserved about opening up completely to lovers Horse licking/sniffing the cube => Imagines/wishes she's being doted on Small, submissive horse => Wants a lover she can dominate Wild horse => wants a guy who is not tamed and will not be tamed Tethered horse => Wants to keep him very restrained/restricted Horse stomping on the cube => Has been or feels extremely abused by lovers Horse destroying the flowers => Feels the lover will not be good towards her children (single moms probably have this thing more often) Horse messing with the ladder => Conflict between her lover and her friends Horse far away or walking away => Feels abandoned Horse separated from flowers by the cube => feels she will have to take care of the children and manage her lover's relationship with them Weak horse => envisions being (stuck?) with a wimp [example: one chick I know had a horse running around in a confined arena. She is a controlling, limit-setting type chick who likes to watch her man react to her experiments with his emotions/behavior.]

5. 5. THE STORM: Represents her ideas about troubles in life. Storm in the distance => Troubles are not overwhelming her presently Storm approaching => Fears crises in future Storm receding => Has had troubles recently but feels they are over Huge, dominant storm => Feels her life is in deep shit Storm in the distance, passing away affecting none of the other four things in the scenery => Feels her life is relatively trouble-free, has few problems around in her life. Small storm => Feels secure about problems she will face



“I am a male slut. I sleep around with these girls all the time and I’m good at it.” This is the girl I mentioned earlier, when I talked about telling her not to play the game (shit test) with me because “I’m better at it than you and you’ll lose - the last girl cried.” So, she already knew I knew the game. I told her she wasn’t going to win. She challenged me. “You can’t make me cry. That wouldn’t happen to me. So I told her, “I’m a male slut. I go out to clubs. I sleep with good-looking women. But that’s not what I’m looking for.” She says, “What are you looking for?” So I was like, “The girl doesn’t even have to be that gorgeous. I can get that. I can go out to clubs and fuck these girls, but it’s just empty. I wake up in the morning. They leave, and there’s nothing else there. I go back to thinking about my first girlfriend at school, and how we loved each other, and how special that was. We used to go out on Saturday nights, and we used to just come back and have great sex. But she’d always be there the next day. We’d have breakfast, read the paper or watch TV. That’s what’s missing in my life right now. I’m through with going out to these clubs, sleeping with these women and having nothing there.” That took care of the whole conceited thing. I was like, “I could fall into that trap really easily. I go out to these clubs and it’s just all superficial. Sometimes I fall into that and I don’t even realize it. I don’t even want that anymore. But that’s what’s there, and that’s what I know.” What I’m doing this all for is I’m challenging her. I’m making her think in her mind, ‘I could be this girl that changes you, that you could wake up with.’




I told her about this summer, the moment I realized that I didn’t want to be this player anymore. I was home. I was lying on the beach. I described how beautiful it was. I was by myself. It was a private beach. There were some families on the beach. Every day I went down there, there was this old couple, 60 or 70. I would see them together on the beach holding hands. It was so amazing to think about that, how after being married for 40 or 50 years, after all that time, they still were holding hands spending each day with each other on the beach. That’s special, that’s what life’s about. It’s not about going to these clubs and being superficial. When I was on the beach I was reading this book and I saw it, halfway through the summer I realized what it was really all about, and I just put my book down and I thought to myself for about an hour what was really important to me, and what matters. Since then, I’ve just been trying to get out of this lifestyle. It’s hard.


I told her this story about how my first girlfriend smoked Marlboro cigarettes, and she was smoking Marlboros, so that reminded me of my first girlfriend.


(Find Commonalties)


(Style's EV Routine)

Style’s Eliciting Values Routine

“What is the experience you most enjoy doing?” (She’ll say dancing or being with family or something)

Alternate wording: “If you had to pick one experience that makes life worth living...what would it be?”

“What is the ideal scenario of you doing that thing? Describe it.”

“So picturing that right now, how do you feel…What emotions?”

"So really then, while I was asking you this, you smiled... and yeah it’s kind of because I'm being a bit funny or weird or whatever... but also, it’s because you could kind of feel that emotion right now, while we were talking about it... can you feel it.. blah blah blah"

“So really then, even though your favorite experience is dancing, your core value is fun and excitement, and the way you feel those emotions in your body... So what's most important to you is the experience of fun and excitement, and whatever leads you to that is most important... blah blah”

“Ok, so in four minutes we've fulfilled your quest for core value. You can die now.”

In other words:

1. Favorite activity

2. Description of her favorite activity in an ideal setting

3. What emotion she gets while she pictures this

4. Show her that she experienced the emotion while picturing it

5. Show her that what she really wants is not so much the activity (although it’s important) but the emotional fulfillment she gets from it.

6. Now she can die happy


(Grounding your Identity)

What do you do?

1. "Well when I was little I wanted to be a ."

2. "When I was a teenager happened." Tell stories about how you got from 1 to 3.

3. "Now I'm . Can you believe it?"



I used to be very touchy feely with women. I'd massage their hands, and touch them a lot, etc. leading to kissing etc.

I've now learned that if I lean back and kind of almost don't touch them at all on purpose, it creates this tension, so that when I do actually touch them, they respond powerfully. Milton Erickson calls this 'Building Response Potential.'


Kissing Grade Close (Swingcat)

"Are you adventurous? Are you spontaneous?

If you were in kissing school, what grade would your kissing teacher give you?"

(get her answer) "Let's find out." (kiss her)


You: "Let's play the question game."

Her: "What's the question game?"

You: "Well, it's like Truth or Dare ["Wahrheit oder Pflicht"] but without the Dare,

because I don't know how weird you are yet! The questions have to be good ones, no "where do you work" bullshit, ok? You go first"

Her: "I can't think of anything!"

You: "Ok, how many boyfriends have you had?

From there the questions will get deeper and more sexual as the game goes along.

Then after you have been playing for a few minutes, when it's your turn you can say

You: "I have a good question for you... Would you like to kiss me?"

Her: "I don't know"

You: "Let's find out!"


You: "I thought so!"



PUA: (does trick or tells story - whatever)

HBs: more more.. that was cool, do MORE!!

PUA: Fuck, typical woman... "more.. more!!" (said in troll imitating voice)

HBs: hey! we want more..

PUA: ok you want more.. I've got ONE more, just for YOU..

HBs: ok..

PUA: ok, do you understand VISUALIZATION??

HBs: yeah..

PUA: ok, are you intuitive?

HBs: uhuh..

PUA: yes?

HBs: yeah

PUA: yes?

HBs: yes.

PUA: are you intelligent?

HBs: yes.

PUA: are you imaginative?

HBs: yes.

PUA: ok.. close your eyes, and I want you to visualize a kiss..

HBs: HEY.. HEEEEY!! We KNOW what you're doing..

PUA: OK.. whatever.. (turn back on them, and sit there)

HBs: no no no.. ok we'll do it, we'll do it..

PUA: OK, close your eyes..

HBs: you're not going to kiss us are you??

PUA: WTF?? Look I don't know what FANTASIES you have, but I'm just doing

VISUALIZATION tricks here..

HBs: ok.. (close their eyes)

PUA: (KISS the chicks.. both you and your wing, or just you if you're solo)

HBs: hahahhahahahha.. HEEEEY... you promised!!!

PUA: NICE!!! (high-five your wing, or any guy around you, or her friends).. She

likes me!!

HBs: hahahahah..

PUA: nice.. I got what I want.. peace!!! (start to leave)

HBs: hey!! HEY!! come back!!

PUA: hahahah.. ok get this......




-how many boyfriends you had?

-some girls like passion start and excitement, others like romance, which are you

-have you given up on romance reln, and want casual, or still try romance only?

-how do you feel difference is bet guys and girls seeing relationship (leading to rocks-gold)

-ques: if you had to choose between sex, or friendship only in a rel would you choose which, or are both important enough that you'd get another guy?

-do you want friendship, sex, marriage, uncomplicated/no strings?

-Extra question from 4 questions: "Your walking along a road when you come to a wall blocking your way. What do you do?" The answer reveals how she deals with dilemmas or obstacles in her life.

-tell me about your first kiss (then tell her my ideal first kiss)

-when is the first time you kissed anyone and really liked it (then tell mine story) [then make out after she is done!]

-(when you broke up last bf, then, when was last time you kissed guy?)

-when was last bf (so you know how much there's to do)

-what clothes style you like for guy (do during pu so you know what to wear during 1st meeting)

-question, where is most exciting place you had exciting time with your BF

-question, where would you like most exciting time with your bf to be?/how (rooftop...etc?)

-did you ever kiss on first date?

-did you ever sleep with the guy on the first date?

-describe how it happened

-sm? vibrator? 3p? (questions)


"what do you do when no one's looking?"

Note: have some answers prepared for this. Lie. Have an answer for the naughtiest thing you ever did (museum? Just lie).


Guy/Girl Name Routine (Twentysix)

(this was originally designed for phone game but Jlaix, for example, uses it in set)

"Hey, its Tyler. You know what? My dad just told me what my name was going to be if I was named a girl. It was going to be Anna. What was your name going to be if you were a guy? (she says it). I think you look like a Leroy."


(Cocky and Funny)

Cocky-funny library.

Date #1 (blind): I show up at the cafe just

as she has received her coffee drink.

Me: "So where's MY double decaf latte?

What kind of date are you!"

She laughs and we're off to a good start. I keep it up, and next day I get an

email expressing strong interest to get together again.

Another date #1, walking back to the car.

Me: "So have you had a boyfriend recently?"

She: "I don't know..."

Me: "You don't know!? If you have had a boyfriend!?

Just how old are you?"

She chuckles and walks closer to me, bumping into me several times. I kiss



(Juggler kiss close)

we will have so much fun when we get together Sunday. Don’t’ you think? Until then I’ll give you a kiss to remember me by.




"Well, I have to get up in the morning. but. OK, you can come in for a few minutes."


“You know, you really turn me on, but I promised myself I wouldn’t sleep with you tonight.” It sounds so retarded, right? Girls know this. This is what girls tell themselves. No guy would seriously say that. “I just can’t.” Once I said that, the chick basically challenged me on it.


Sex routines


Relationships are based on Rocks and Gold

Let me tell you about rocks and gold.

I often tell this story to chicks when they try to give me bullshit about

'being friends' and wanting to go out to dinners before

agreeing to be my GF/put out sex. It says alot about how guys (and ladies)

think, and why they have so much trouble to understand each other. It should

answer your question about what guys think..

Men and women both appreciate things that are valuable. Diamonds (rocks) and

gold are both very valuable things. In a relationship,

diamonds= personality (ie arranging nice romantic dinners, walks on the

moonlight, candlelight with soft music', a sense of connection),

while gold='sex'.

But women prefer diamonds to gold (usually), and men prefer gold to diamonds

(usually). Of course, both are important, especially in a

long term relationship, but if a woman could choose, she would prefer the

diamonds first, and the man would prefer the gold first.

And (generally), a man can accept gold without the diamonds, and a woman can

accept diamonds without any gold.

So in a relationship, a woman is mining for diamonds, while the man is mining

for gold.

But if you give a woman gold (sex) only, or a man diamonds (romantic walks and

nice dinners) only.. neither is likely to be very happy, and the relationship

will soon fall apart. In short, an exchange of sorts takes place in a

successful relationship.

So if a man expects just gold (sex), but doesnt want to give her diamonds

(relationship & the mushy stuff), then she will dump him fairly soon, because

he is playing/using her just for sex..

And if a woman expects just diamonds (walks, attention, nice dinners,

movies..etc) without giving some gold (sex), then he (if he has any clue about

how to deal with women, though many men do not, especially in North America)

will dump her because she is using/playing him just for his personality.




JUST CUTS TO THE MEAT).. so the thing is, its like, girls can sometimes just

have fantasies like that are totally different from what they -really- want,

but still maybe wish that their guys could go with them.. Like there's just so

many constraints imposed by society.. and its like, alot of girls can have

fantasies about "being taken".. sortoff almost like rape fantasies, where its

like not necessarily some scary creepy guy, and obviously they don't want that

to actually happen.. but like, just that fantasy about "being taken" and having

it totally not in your own control, and it just excites you so much because its

just so different than the same thing as always... like you really don't want

it, but you're just so taken away by the whole feeling and experience of it..

and its like, some guys they recognize that and just totally can give their

girlfriends those fantasies by just being ADVENTUROUS and MORE EXCITING.. just

like totally enacting GETTING IN TOUCH with their girlfriends fantasies, and

finding out just what it is that they are.. and totally connecting on a more

intimate level, because they understand eachothers desires more, and just

totally connect through exploration of the depths of their sexualities.."



All girls LOVE the idea of being paid for sex, no matter how much they say they

dont'. Use KOOPER COCKY FUNNY FRAMES and say that you're a PIMP, that the other

girls in the set are your hoes and they should rate eachother's hoe ratings,

and say what you're going to make them do.. It's ROLE PLAYING, so they may be

inclined to cheat on their BFs because it fits that fantasy, and its all

roleplaying anyway.


PIMPJUICE: Yeah one thing i noticed about guys is that their really competitive

about stuff. IT can be good for certain stuff but it usually sucks, ya know.

I've got this friend who knows how females respond to me so he tries to compete

with me. I mean he sleeps with chicks that are ugly sometimes and he's real

quick to report his conquest to me. It's like come on man, STOP BASING YOUR SEX

LIFE ON WHAT YOUR FREINDS THINK. I told him the other day that im not even

thinking about him when im alone with a girl. I told him how i only tell him

about certain chicks and when something is really special to me i like to keep

it to myself.

Then in a funny voice i'll mock him saying.

" Im supposed to be your boy i tell you all my shit"

I used to have sex with chicks to prove stuff to me boys and then later on i

started having sex to prove stuff to myself, but now i feel like i don't have

anything to prove anymore. I think its better like that cuz, NOW WITH ME SEX IS



(Predator routine)


-Start acting possibly convinced. Her friends will start trying to convince you to stay, and they'll start qualifying your target saying that "she's safe PUA.. don't worry.. you can trust her.. go with her.." etc etc..

-When you walk home together, don't be too eager to keep the joke going. At the same time, when you get her home, walk past your bedroom, and one last time say "Hey! See this is exactly what I'm talking about.. Wait in the TV room.."

-Then, grab your blankets, and run into the TV room.. Throw them on her like its all funny and jump on the couch in a way that makes her laugh (humour disarms escalation to pickups.. if you escalate a pickup, but make the girl laugh while you're doing it, she'll backwards rationalize that she wanted you to escalate). Then say "C'mere c'mere c'mere.... its cold its cold its cold..." (in a funny way so she laughs that you're basically putting her in a very comprimising position).

-Once she's on top of you, STOP TALKING.. It starts getting heavy.. Breathing starts synchronizing.. You're breathing in her ear maybe and fingers are interlocked and you're getting closer.. Then say "uhhh ohhh.. mmmm... ummm.. this is OK I think... uh oh.." and start kissing her.

-Take it from there.. If the joke is still working (it may be SO PLAYED by this point, but if it is STILL WORKING), feel free to make liberal use of callback humour to disarm any last minute resistance (misinterpret her LMR as her just trying to get you more comfortable)

**NOTE: If the joke has become PLAYED, then don't insist on pursuing it. The whole frame/routine is always good, but don't be routine dependent and insist on pursuing it. If its fading a little bit, just move onto something else. If its working consistently the entire time, then keep using it. Just common sense.


(Phase Shift)

Triangular Gazing – Look at eyes and then lips


Slow speech


Evolution Phase Shift- 1. I tell her that she smells good and ask what she is wearing. Then I lean in, brush her hair aside, and sniff her slowly, moving up from the shoulder to the ear. "Mmmm, that smells good. People don't pay enough attention to smell. But you'll notice how animals, before they mate, will always smell each other. Evolution has hard-wired us to respond to certain things. You are wired to respond when someone smells you."

2. "It's like when someone pulls the back of your hair. You'll notice how lions, when they mate, always bite and tug at the end of each other's mane, right here." (Since I'm shaved bald, I'll add here, "This is what I miss the most about not having hair"; if you have hair, say, "This is one of my favorite things".) Then I run my hand up the back of her neck and grab a fistful of hair at the roots and pull it, downwards. She says "Mmmm..." And I say "see."

3. Then I talk about how "No one knows this, but the most sensitive places on the body are places that are usually hidden from contact with the air, like the back of the elbow (touching it) and knee (touching it). Any place where your body bends, twists, or folds, there are millions of sensitive little nerve endings that release endorphins. Then I take her arm, bend it a little, and erotically bite the area on the opposite side of the elbow (that crease where it bends). She usually gets the chills, and I have her ratify how good it feels.

[Note for the less experienced: If you don't know how to erotically bite a girl, learn before you do this. You want to take a big chunk of skin -- not a little pinch! – and slowly and firmly slide your teeth together until they meet and release the skin. You may want to practice on your own elbow first.]

4. After, I say, "But do you know what the best thing in the world is?...A" And I point to the side of my neck. (Every now and then, I'll add, that "this has to do with the fact that it is where the jugular vein is most exposed, and since most sexual fantasies have to do with submission and vulnerability, it sends all the fantasy signals flying.") Then I'll expose my neck and say, "Bite me right here" as if I expect her to do it. Fifty percent of the time she will. If she doesn't, I just turn away calmly (punish), wait a few seconds, and then turn back and repeat, "Bite me right here." Usually she will.

5. Half the time, her bite is lame. If so, I correct her and say, "That's not how you bite. Come here." Then I give her a good bite on the neck and instruct her to "try again." This time, she ALWAYS does a great job.

6. Now you look her in the eye, smile mischievously/approvingly, and say, very slowly, "not bad." Then glance down at her mouth, back up at her eyes, you want...and if she's!

Short Version: smell, grab hair, touch elbow, touch back of knee, bite elbow, bite my neck, bite her neck, triangular gazing, kiss.


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